A Few More Valid Reasons Not to Write

In my last post, I said that people often tell me that they think they should write a book but they just can’t get around to it.  They say this as though they feel guilty.  I don’t think there is anything to feel guilty about.  And in my last post I gave several valid...

Art For The Soul

A few posts back I wrote about my brother, Walt Hampton, who makes wonderful music, teaches it and shares it with others.  The giving of music is an act of joy and generosity.  In that same spirit, today I’m writing about my friends Chuck and Janis Lindley, who...

A New Citizen of the World: Oliver Miguel Connally

How do you fall in love with a person you’ve never met?  I can’t explain it, but I know it happens, because it happened to me.  I have a new grandson, born a week ago in Peru, and I love him dearly.  Please meet Oliver Miguel Connally, who made his...


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